I-AM AllStars Funds

I-AM AllStars Balanced

The I-AM AllStars Balanced fund invests in a broadly diversified and balanced international portfolio of bond and equity funds with the addition of alternative components.

The bond part of the portfolio is managed using an unconstrained bond strategy, i.e. investments can be made in all bond segments of all credit ratings and maturities. The dynamic equity part, on the other hand, can be up to 50 percent of the portfolio. In this, investments are made in global equity funds depending on the stock market and market cycle, investment ideas and themes can also be used. Depending on the market environment, however, the equity quota can be significantly decreased in order to reduce risk.

The majority of the I-AM AllStars Balanced is invested in investment funds classified as sustainable, which fulfil so-called ESG criteria (Environmental - Social - Governance), taking into account quantitative and qualitative decision-making factors.

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I-AM AllStars Opportunities

An internationally diversified and professionally managed equity portfolio can generate attractive long-term returns despite crises and an often difficult market environment. Therefore, I-AM AllStars Opportunities invests in a global equity universe and is not subject to any restrictions in terms of countries, regions or sectors.

The portfolio consists of global equity funds (core investments) on the one hand and investment ideas and themes on the other. Alternative investments (e.g. market-neutral equity funds) can be used to improve the diversification of the fund. In more volatile market phases, the equity risk can be significantly reduced.

The majority of the I-AM AllStars Opportunities is invested in investment funds that are classified as sustainable and meet so-called ESG criteria (environmental - social - governance), taking into account quantitative and qualitative decision-making factors.

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The basis for the purchase of investment units is the presently valid prospectus, the current versions of the key investor document ("KID" or "KIID") as well as the annual report and, if older than eight months, the semi-annual report. Potential investors may obtain the current German-language versions free-of-charge from Kapitalanlagegesellschaft, LLBInvest Kapitalanlagegesellschaft m.b.H., Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna. They are also available at www.llbinvest.at.


For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

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